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- How to practise self-inquiry
How to practise self-inquiry
The fastest way to enlightenment...
“God dwells in you, as you, and you don’t have to “do” anything to be God-realized or Self-realized. It is already your true and natural state. Just drop all seeking, turn your attention inward, and sacrifice your mind to the One Self radiating in the Heart of your very being. For this to be your own presently lived experience, Self-Inquiry is the one direct and immediate way.”
This is a quote from the infamous Ramana Maharshi.
Other enlightened masters like Mooji and Nisagardatta have validated the spiritual practice of self-inquiry as an infallible path to enlightenment.
How does one practice self-inquiry?
How do you know you are doing it right?
How often should you do it?
Due to the complexity of human relationships
We subconsciously create multiple personalities for dealing with different people and occasions.
The word personality came from the Greek word “persona.”
The Greeks used to act in dramas with masks.
The voice of the actors would come through these masks.
Per means through.
Sona means mask.
This gave birth to the word “persona”.
Your personality is a societal mask you wear to speak and relate with other people.
You exhibit one personality with your friends
And another with your spouse.
You exhibit one personality with your boss
And another with your maid.
If you were stripped of all your identities and personalities
How would you describe yourself?
Who are you beneath all these masks?
You are none of the things you pose to be.
You are not even your name.
You can decide to change your name anytime and you would still be the same person.
Your name is a means of identification.
You are not your likes and dislikes either. Or your hobbies and personal opinions.
These are mental operations that go on in your brain.
The root misidentification is with the body.
You can say I own a car
But you will never say I am my car.
It sounds ridiculous.
Identifying with your body is just the same.
The body is a vehicle you are inhibiting for a while.
You are the Soul within.
The Soul that existed before your body formed in your mother’s womb.
“Unless you know your original face, you will not know the Buddha. The Buddha is your original face.”
Never confuse what you take yourself to be with what you truly Are.
Self-inquiry is the process of peeling off the masks so your real face can reveal itself.
Self-inquiry strips away all the false identities and personalities that you have gathered throughout the years.
Understanding the false ego
The way to truth lies through the destruction of the false.
Liberation is never of the person, it is always from the person.
When asked to describe ourselves
We habitually reference ourselves through our physical attributes, social status, and personal preferences.
It usually goes like this;
I am this. I do this. I identify as such. I like this. I hate that. These are my beliefs, properties, and accomplishments. And so on
I, me, and mine are the symbols of personhood.
They are the building blocks of your ego-self.
Your existence is sustained by the entire Universe. You may think “I am my own person”, but you cannot exist without the distant stars or the nearby worms. The top four atoms in your body are hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, and nitrogen. These are also the most abundant atoms in the Universe. Separation is an illusion. Atomically, everything in the universe is one and the same.
Essentially, you were not born into the earth. You were born out of it. Like a tree that sprouts out of the soil. This is why every theory of creation says that man was formed from mud. This is consistent through the Sumerian, Egyptian, Chinese, Babylonian, Hawaiian, Korean, Christian, Islamic, and Greek mythology. Dust forms from dust, and falls back into dust. All the food you eat on earth metamorphoses to form your body. The earth is literally within you. To identify as a human is to limit yourself. You are the All, the Tao, the One.
Self-inquiry is the art of investigating the I-sense (ego-self).
Is it an actual entity, or just a product of thoughts and imagination?
To rediscover your true self
You must be willing to let go of everything you presume yourself to be - including your gender, nationality, or religion.
As a matter of fact, you don’t need to identify as a human being.
In deep sleep, you lose your attachment to your body, mind, and worldly possessions. Your being merges with the universal consciousness. Remind yourself as often as you can that you are not your mind or sense organs. Feel your body from within. As if you are wearing a cloth. This will create an inner space and silence between you and your body-mind. That feeling of Being is not confined to your body. It permeates every other sentient body.
Self-inquiry cannot be done frivolously. Every minute must be spent in self-remembrance. Every action must be spiritualized through awareness & mindfulness. You must be persistent and patient if you must purify the false ego self.
Technique 1 - Who am I?
Ignore the mind- just like you ignore the crowd you meet in the streets.”
It is the person You imagine yourself to be that suffers…not You.
It is merely a bundle of memories and habits.
Dissolve it in Awareness.
Think of Yourself as momentary…without past and future, and your personality dissolves.”
Right now we believe “I own my thoughts”. What was here as a child- before your first thought was taught to you? Consciousness...
In his book “I Am That”
Nisagaddata explained the self-inquiry technique his beloved guru passed on to him.
He was instructed to keep the question “Who am I” constantly ringing in his heart of hearts.
He became fully enlightened in only 3 years, even without his guru.
"Who am I?" is more than a question.
It is a spiritual alarm that awakens the soul from its deep slumber.
This inquiry helps you explore the depth by suppressing your superficial identities, roles, labels, and prejudices.
Here is an excerpt from his book;
The seeker is he who is in search of himself. Give up all questions except one: ‘Who am I?’
After all, the only fact you are sure of is that you are. The ‘I am’ is certain. The ‘I am this’ is false. Struggle to find out what you are in reality. To know what you are, you must first investigate and know what you are not. Discover all that you are not — body, feelings thoughts, time, space, this or that — nothing, concrete or abstract, which you perceive can be you.
The very act of perceiving shows that you are not what you perceive.
The clearer you understand on the level of mind you can be described in negative terms only, the quicker will you come to the end of your search and realize that you are a limitless being.
Nisargadatta's "Who am I?" inquiry cuts through the illusions of the egoic mind and reveals the pure essence of our being. It reminds us that we are not the sum of our thoughts, emotions, or life experiences. Instead, we are the Consciousness that witnesses all these phenomena come and go.
As you continue to practice "Who am I?" you will experience a profound shift in your perception of reality. The limitations of the ego begin to dissolve, and you realize your oneness with the Universe. This awakening brings inner peace, freedom from suffering, and a deep sense of unity with all of existence.
The Practice of "Who Am I?"
1. Self-Reflection
Begin by sitting in a quiet and comfortable space. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and allow your mind to settle. Then, ask yourself, "Who am I?"
2. Rejecting Superficial Identities
As thoughts arise in response to the question, witness them without judgment. Recognize that you are not the roles you play in society, your name, your profession, or any other external labels.
3. Peeling Away the Layers
Continue to ask, "Who am I?" and explore the answers that arise. With each response, go deeper. Let go of every identity, thought, or sensation that arises in your awareness until you reach a point where you cannot find an answer.
4. The Silence Beyond Words
In the process of negation, you may arrive at a state of profound silence—a space beyond thoughts and words. This silence is a direct experience of your true self—the unchanging, eternal awareness.
If you resonate with Nisargadatta’s teachings
Rest in the awareness of “I am.”
Develop an unwavering belief that you are the Supreme Self.
Simply abide in the sense of existence, recognizing it as your fundamental nature. Let go of all labels and concepts.
Technique 2 - Neti Neti
"Neti Neti" is a Sanskrit term that translates to "not this, not this."
This technique was popularized by Ramana Maharshi
This method simply means to discard everything that is not the true self. In essence, "Neti Neti" is a process of elimination.
It is a gradual process of detaching from all the identities and possessions we typically associate with ourselves.
Neti Neti is not a mere intellectual exercise; it is a profound experiential journey.
Through this method, you come to realize that your true nature transcends all attributes, forms, and identifications.
You are the unchanging awareness—the silent witness—beyond the transient phenomena of life.
The beauty of Neti Neti is that it is an endless exploration. It helps you to continue peeling away the layers of conditioned thinking and identification, revealing ever-deeper dimensions of your true self. It is a journey of self-discovery that leads to the realization of your oneness with the boundless Universe.
The Practice of Neti Neti
1. The Initial Inquiry
Begin with a simple inquiry: "Am I this body?" Take a moment to explore this question deeply. As you do, you may realize that you are not limited to your physical form; you are the awareness observing the body.
2. The Inquiry into Thoughts
Next, turn your attention to your thoughts and emotions. Ask yourself, "Am I my thoughts?" As you dive into this inquiry, you'll notice that thoughts come and go, but there is an unchanging awareness that witnesses them.
3. The Inquiry into Emotions
Similarly, inquire about your emotions: "Am I my emotions?" Here, you'll discover that emotions, like thoughts, are temporary fluctuations within your consciousness. You are the silent observer of these fluctuations.
4. The Inquiry into Roles and Identities
Consider the various roles and identities you assume in life—parent, friend, employee, and so on. Ask, "Am I these roles?" As you explore this, you'll recognize that these roles are external masks, not your true self.
5. The Inquiry into Beliefs and Concepts
Delve into your beliefs and concepts about the world and yourself. Ask, "Am I these beliefs?" In this inquiry, you'll realize that beliefs are mental constructs, and you exist beyond them.
6. The Final Inquiry: "Who Am I?"
After systematically negating all that you are not, you are left with the ultimate inquiry: "What am I?" This inquiry takes you to the heart of your being, beyond the limitations of thought and language. It is an inquiry into pure awareness—the eternal witness of all that arises and passes.
If you resonate with Ramana’s teachings
Use the sword of Neti Neti to break through the walls of the mind.
With each thought or emotion, ask, “Am I this thought? Am I this emotion?” In doing so, you negate everything that isn’t your true self, inching closer to the core.
Technique 3 - I am
Mooji is a renowned spiritual teacher who is an advocate of the Advaita non-duality tradition. He teaches a simple but powerful self-inquiry exercise.
All you have to do is tune into the innate feeling of 'I Am.' This feeling is readily accessible, requiring no effort to locate. It resides within you. It is your very Consciousness. Your task is simple: maintain self-awareness. Allow this natural presence to remain untainted by any other notions, thoughts, or intentions.
The "I am" is not a concept or belief, but a direct experience of our own existence. It is the primal sense of being, the undeniable knowing that we exist. This sense of "I am" precedes any thoughts or labels—it is the unchanging ground of our being.
At times, the mind may interject with doubts, saying, 'I don't perceive anything, this isn't working'. Anchor yourself firmly in Consciousness. Each time you become aware of your mind wandering, gently guide it back to the silence and stillness of Awareness.
You must shield the 'I am' sensation from mingling with other thoughts or sensations. Additional thoughts may emerge, eager to engage, but do not entertain them. Simply abide in the 'I am' awareness. As you continue practicing, you will observe that the 'I am' sensation remains undisturbed, free from intrusion, and you will sense an expansion and inner peace. An innate inclination to dwell in this state will emerge naturally. Eventually, the sense of being will stand alone as a pure presence.
The Practice of Watching the "I Am"
1. Cultivating Presence
Find a quiet space and sit comfortably. Close your eyes and take a few deep, conscious breaths. Allow your attention to rest in the spaciousness of the present moment.
2. Directing Awareness
Gently bring your attention to the sense of "I am." This is not a mental exercise; it is an experiential noticing of the inherent sense of existence that is ever-present.
3. The Art of Non-Interference
As thoughts, sensations, or emotions arise, resist the urge to engage with them. Instead, let them flow through your awareness without attachment or aversion. Notice how they come and go, but the sense of "I am" remains.
4. Resting in Pure Awareness
As you continue to watch the "I am," you may enter a state of profound stillness and presence. This is the direct experience of your true nature—the unchanging awareness that is beyond the fluctuations of the mind.
Living Mindfully
Self-inquiry is not an isolated practice.
It is a way of life.
Let every moment be an opportunity for practice. Live each minute in mindful awareness.
The essence of your being is not a distant destination; it is the ever-present consciousness that resides within you. Embrace this truth, and let it infuse every facet of your life.
In mindfulness, you rediscover the boundless freedom that is your birthright—a freedom that transcends all limitations.
With each mindful step, you walk the path of self-realization. With each conscious breath, you breathe in the essence of your true nature. This is the sacred journey, and you are the pilgrim, the seeker, and the awakened one—all in one.
Live in this awareness. Cherish it. Let it be the compass that guides you through the ever-unfolding moments of your existence.
May your journey be blessed, and may the light of self-realization shine brightly in every corner of your Soul.
Namaste 💛